BruceMcClane devlog 1 - wfc and deadend rooms

My first try on wave function collapse

Heavy based on mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse

I have designed a training room for the wfc algorithm:

WFC training room

The result is nice but still needs a lot of fine-tuning and content (furniture) so I postponed WFC for now :)

Deadend rooms

First I connected all the rooms that are on the target path. This created rooms that the player can never reach.

Deadend no doors

My solution goes through all the rooms and sees if a room without a door is adjacent to a room with a door. If so, I connect these rooms. If there are several possibilities, a random room is picked. I do this until every room has a door.

foreach (var room in withoutDoorRooms)
    var roomPossibilities = new List<Parts.Room>();

    // neighbor rooms
    foreach (var delta in deltas)
        var checkRoom = rooms[checkPosition.x, checkPosition.y];
        if (checkRoom.HasDoor())

    var randomIndex = Random.Range(0, roomPossibilities.Count);
    var currentRoom = roomPossibilities[randomIndex];

    SetDoors(room, currentRoom);

Deadend doors